Editorial Karnataka Protector Vol-VI Issue-I 2021


Dear Readers,


We are pleased to present to you the new issue of the KARNATAKA PROTECTOR magazine. The magazine has strived to live up to its motto of promoting peace. Our prime objective has been to continually work towards highlighting the initiatives of Karnataka police especially the cop community relations.

Covid -19 created a range of unforeseen and unprecedented challenges for police across the world. The pandemic-induced lockdowns brought police personnel into direct contact with the people in need of urgent help and assistance, and to a large extent modified their primary role and nature of duties during ‘normal’ times.

Despite having no time in hand to implement one of the most stringent lockdowns in the world, and in the absence of any prior experience of handling such pandemics, it was found that by and large, the police in India enjoyed the support and confidence of the citizens. Simultaneously, with a large ambit of discretionary powers available to them and a general sense of perplexity among common people, the police used threat or fear as their most common tool to make people abide by the lockdown regulations and to prevent the movement of migrant labourers and families, who were left with no option but to march towards their homes.

Police were seen as a crucial interface between the government and the citizens, with an unprecedented and the most challenging virus in the backdrop. The absence of any pandemic handling training in the past and the lack of preparedness owing to a sudden declaration of the nationwide lockdown put the police in a position of great disadvantage. However, despite the insurmountable odds, overall, the police emerged as superheroes.

The ‘Library’initiative by Labhu Ram commissioner of police – Hubbali & Dharwad has been appreciated for providing support to children of policemen. In this issue he discusses the challenges of policing during pandemic.

The ‘Gramvastavya’ initiative by Dr.Y.S. Ravikumar – commissioner of police Kalburgi has been successful in motivating the deprived in villages to come forward to file complaints. The article on safety, security and protection of cyber data provides an insight into the cyber-crime.

The issue has many other interesting articles and features. We are sure the current issue would be as interesting and enriching to the readers in quality and content as the earlier issues.

Wish you happy reading!

Satya Swaroop

Managing Editor
